It can be a tough fact to accept, but leaking pipes are always a potential issue for your home’s plumbing system. If those drips and leaks aren’t caught early on, the moisture damage can spread to multiple rooms and levels, which means expensive repair or renovation bills on top of fixing the plumbing issue itself.
So the natural question is “How can I spot a leak and make sure I don’t have to clean out my emergency fund fixing the house?” The good news is there is some easy-to-follow steps that should help you spot leaks early.
- Here at Ensor Plumbing we recommend regularly opening up all your cabinets and getting a good look around for things like calcium buildup that’s a telltale sign of a leak. Checking cabinets is important because they’re the perfect hiding spot for a leak that can get out of control, especially upper areas that don’t get opened or used very often.
- Blue and green stains on walls are a sign of mold or mildew that can form in a few days if there’s excess moisture present. Same thing for bulging paint spots anywhere in the house.
- Another hiding space for leaks is a basement or utility room that doesn’t get visited regularly. We recommend checking those areas about once a month, and it’s also smart to have a look at your shower access panel.
If any of these warning signs show up it’s imperative to call a home plumbing service like Ensor Plumbing to get the problem diagnosed and fixed quickly. The most important part of that process is figuring out where a leak is coming from so that you can determine how much damage might have been done to drywall and sheetrock, floors, cabinets and other expensive-to-replace parts of the home. As a rule, leaks tend to occur in close to proximity to the bathroom, and can come from something as commonplace as kids playing in a tub and splashing water all over the place. Whatever the signs, the Ensor Plumbing team will help you play detective to pinpoint any leak and get it remedied fast.