You know that saying, “The customer is always right”? After reading a survey conducted by DigitalBridge, we’re not entirely certain of that. DigitalBridge is a company that specializes in innovations for retail spaces and selling frontier-busting ideas on how to “wow” shoppers’ in-store experiences – which is all well and good, until you try to bring some ideas home to the private inner sanctum of the bathroom.
When 1,100 persons were questioned on their current bathroom tech, 68 per cent of people stated that they believe their bathroom is outdated – with 42 per cent of these even stating that it is very outdated. Just 14 per cent thought their space was of a modern standard and only 6 per cent believed it to be very modern.
When asked which innovations they would most like to see in the next 10 years, 18 per cent said that top of their list would be facial recognition, which automatically sets the user’s preferred lighting or water temperature variables when entering the room.
Our question at Ensor is, who are these people? They’re not plumbers. Plumbers are sensible. It’s not that we don’t have imagination or welcome technology. Or maybe we’ve seen way too many cautionary sci-fi movies where things can go horribly wrong when our technology gets smarter than us. In any case, we thought we would post these innovations, but add our down-to-earth thoughts as well.
The top 10 bathroom innovations consumers would love to see in the next 10 years
- A facial recognition system that automatically adjusts water temperature and pressure to your personalized settings. Okay, we might be able to get on board with this. But if you look particularly haggard in the morning after a rough night, will it change that hot shower to a sobering cold one without question, or will it get all judgmental about it?
- A hovering drone mirror that allows you to style the back of your hair with ease. Why? Because you unable to actually hold up another mirror behind you? How big are the bathrooms of these people answering this survey? Large enough to fly a drone? Ever heard a drone? THEY’RE LOUD! Now put one of those suckers in a room with hard, resonating surfaces like tile! We’re shooting down this drone idea and filing under “Stupidest idea ever!”
- An in-shower voice recognition system that allows you to add shampoo, toothpaste and other essentials to your shopping list when they are running low. Some of us liked this idea. But there’s too much room for error if the water is running: “Buy Crest!” “Okay, adding Zest to the shopping list.” “No. Toothpaste!” “Okay. Taking toothpaste off your shopping list.” “NO!!”
- An augmented reality simulator that shows how a hairstyle could look on your head and provides step-by-step instructions on how to achieve it. Way to put salons and barbershops out of business, Skynet job-killer!
- A pep-talking mirror that gives you advice on your outfits based on a link to your personal calendar. There’s only one setting for us: “Will you be wearing the short-sleeved Ensor Plumbing shirt today, or the long-sleeved?”
- Three spigots – one for hot, cold and “just right”. Have these people even been IN a bathroom? Most people have one spigot and adjust the hot and cold faucets until the temperature is “just right.” It’s really not that difficult.
- A dressing machine that chooses your outfit and dresses you. As one of our guys put it, “What am I – four years old?” Besides…see #5.
- A full body air-dryer. Oooohhhh…Hang on … we’re thinking this one through. Ooohhhh.
- A height-adjustable sink, toilet and mirror that moves up and down depending on who is using them. Ahhh! The Vari-desk, only for a bathroom fixtures. We could get behind this idea. Or, in the case of the toilet, we could get in front of this.
- An ambient display that allows you to make a cup of coffee and answer the doorbell from the shower. We already have a way to make a cup of coffee from the shower. It’s called a coffeemaker with a timer. As for the ability to answer the doorbell from shower, this idea belongs in the same drawer as that hovering drone.
Despite our poo-pooing (No pun intended) many of these ideas, you’d be amazed at the many high-tech solutions Ensor Plumbing has! We can already offer hardware and expertise to increase water pressure without wasting water, state-of-the-art water heaters, “smart” sump-pumps, and micro cameras to find clogs in your pipes. While we’re at it, we’ll be glad to hold the mirror for you if you want check the back of your hairstyle – provided we’re already at your home doing something plumbing related.
Ensor Plumbing is a 3rd generation family-owned business serving Reisterstown and area homes since 1961! Get to know us BEFORE you have a plumbing emergency. 410-429-4959. Or request service by clicking here!