It’s no secret that technology has transformed and improved the way businesses operate, and here at Ensor Plumbing we’re glad to be keeping on top of the latest tools and software that helps us deliver the best service possible. One of the biggest advancements we’ve made has been our adoption of Service Titan, an accounting and management software package, that keeps everything running smoothly and efficiently while we’re dispatch our service techs throughout our Reisterstown service area. It’s been a huge benefit since we started using because we can make sure our home plumbing customers get all the service components they need. All information is exchanged via an online app in real time, which keeps us from having to rely on paper files that can pretty easily get misplaced or improperly updated. We always took care to make sure we had everything straight prior to the TOM software so our service was top notch for our customers, but there are limits to how well you can run on a paper-based filing system and QuickBooks for the business accounting needs.
We’re especially happy that it’s working as promised since previously we had tried a different management software that wound up being a big burden on everyone involved in the business. It created more problems than it solved, whereas with Service Titan we can deliver more prompt response with more complete information on things like inspection history for our club members and recurring services that have been performed at a given location. And it’s especially helpful in those hurry-up moments we run into as a 24-hour emergency service company, where you need to have the latest and most accurate data possible at nontraditional hours. Because no one wants to dig through paper service history files in the middle of the night to make sure the job gets done right. Thanks to advancements in technology and mobile devices, now we don’t have to.